Title: 臉書(Facebook)資助:1,500萬美元將在灣區分配
Link: https://lptlc.org/facebook-grants-15-million-will-be-distributed-in-the-bay-area/
We wish to thank the Office of Supervisor Aaron Peskin for forwarding us this important email.
Facebook Grants:
$100 million in small-business grants and of that $15 million will be distributed in the Bay Area.
Who’s eligible?
- Be a for-profit company
- Have between 2 and 50 employees
- Have been in business for over a year
- Have experienced challenges from COVID-19
- Be in or near a location where Facebook operates (San Francisco is one of the cities)
How do I apply?
Facebook partnered with Ureeka to administer application. Application in Bay Area available April 20, 2020
Application website: https://www.facebook.com/business/boost/grants
Webinar will cover questions from community partners that support small busiensses (e.g. MEDA, Chinese Newcomer, Gum Moon, etc)
我們要感謝市參事佩斯金(Aaron Peskin)辦公室向我們轉發了這封非常重要的電子郵件。
- 是營利性公司
- 擁有2至50名員工
- 已經經營一年以上
- 因為COVID-19病毒受到了營業困境
- 在臉書(Facebook)的經營所在地內或附近(舊金山是其中的一個城市)
申請表網站:: https//www.facebook.com/business/boost/grants
網絡研討會(Webinar)將會將涵蓋支持小型企業(例如MEDA,中國新移民,Gum Moon等)的社區合作夥伴相關問題