Beginning Monday, May 18, 2020, most storefront retail businesses are allowed to reopen for curbside/storefront pickup only. Customers may not enter the store. More information and requirements can be found in the Directive and you can find a summary here. This phase of reopening excludes businesses in enclosed shopping centers unless the business has its own exterior door. Manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics that support this retail can resume.
In order to reopen for curbside/storefront pickup, retailers must 1) have a location with clear access to a sidewalk, street, parking lot, or alley to use for pickup, and 2) fill out and post a Health and Safety Plan and a Social Distancing Protocol.
NOTE: To support curbside/storefront pickup, businesses can request a free temporary loading zone from SFMTA and use the sidewalk space in front of their storefront without a permit by following these guidelines.
If you are now offering curbside pickup services, please let us know so we can you help promote.

To help you understand more about curbside pickup, we area also reposting this webinar, it was recorded May 21, 2020.
For the latest information and resources for businesses, workers, and nonprofits impacted by COVID-19, please visit
Hosted by:
- The San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development
Co-Hosted by:
- San Francisco City Attorney’s Office
- San Francisco Department of Public Health
- San Francisco Entertainment Commission
Featured Topics and Speakers:
- Opening Remarks
Joaquin Torres, Director of Office of Economic and Workforce Development - Overview of the Ordinance
Peter Keith, Deputy San Francisco City Attorney - Rationale of the Ordinance
Stephanie K.J. Cushing, MSPH, CHMM, REHS - Education and Support
Maggie Weiland, Director, San Francisco Entertainment Commission