
TLC Director Invited to Participate in UC Hastings Anti-Homelessness Hackathon

As some of you may know, the Lower Polk Tenant Landlord Clinic (TLC) was founded in 2017, with the generous support of the [more]

2021-12-09T16:45:42-08:00Categories: All, Media, News|Tags: , , , , |

New TLC Documentary Segment

This new documentary segment explains what the Lower Polk TLC is, what we do, why we do it, and how we do it. [more]

2021-07-01T18:17:12-07:00Categories: All, Eviction, Media, Merchants, News, Resources, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

COVID-19 Update: SF to Roll Back Selected Activities

We are reprinting this press release in its entirety. The original press release is here. *** PRESS RELEASE *** SAN FRANCISCO TO ROLL BACK [more]

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